Lucy Letby inquiry live: Killer nicknamed ‘nurse death’ by doctors – but hospital did not call police, probe hears

Lucy Letby was nicknamed “nurse death” by junior doctors after she was removed from duties on the neo-natal ward at Countess of Chester Hospital, a public inquiry has heard today.

But despite the staff concerns and references to the convicted murder, hospital bosses still did not act to contact police on the matter.

The child serial killer was sentenced to 15 whole-life orders after she was convicted of murdering seven babies and attempting to murder seven others on the ward in 2015 and 2016.

In September 2016 – two months after Letby was switched to clerical work – the Royal Collage of Paediatrics and Child Health was invited to carry out a review at the hospital, although not all members of the team were aware of the nurse before the visit.

However, notes of the team’s initial interview with former chief executive Ian Harvey recorded him highlighting Letby.

The notes, read out at today’s inquiry, recorded Mr Harvey as saying: “Had to intervene with the neonatal lead as junior doctors had been referring to her as ‘nurse death’.

“Ripples through the team….. can’t see how to conclude without calling the police.”

The trust did not formally contact police until May 2017.

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