
23 of the funniest misheard song lyrics, from Elton John to Adele

We all have that friend who belts out the wrong lyrics to songs when they play on the car radio or on a night out.

If this doesn’t sound familiar to you, then sorry but you probably are that friend.

Don’t worry, from mixing up romantic sentiments with items of food to mistaking meaningful declarations for sexual innuendos, mishearing song lyrics is just part of what it is to be human.

Of all the lyrics in our round-up, it was songs by Ariana Grande, Elton John, Taylor Swift and Jimi Hendrix that people most often got mixed up.

Check out the funniest examples below.

Misheard lyric: “Bacon, eggs. Bacon, eggs. Bacon, eggs. I’m so f***in’ grateful for my eggs.”

Correct lyric: “Thank you, next. Thank you, next. Thank you, next. I’m so f***in’ grateful for my ex.”

Misheard lyric: “I wear goggles when you are not near.”

Correct lyric: “My world crumbles when you are not near.”

Misheard lyric: “Oooh, dyslexics on fire.”

Correct lyric: “Oooh, this sex is on fire.”

Misheard lyric: “Raisins and wine, ‘cause I’ve been changing my mind.”

Correct lyric: “Erase and rewind, ‘cause I’ve been changing my mind.”

Misheard lyric: “Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tangerine.”

Correct lyric: “Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine.”

Music fans listening to Queen have been confused by ‘Seven Seas of Rhye’

Misheard lyric: “Then I saw her face, now I’m gonna leave her.”

Correct lyric: “Then I saw her face, now I’m a believer.”

Misheard lyric: “Jeremy’s smoking grass today.”

Correct lyric: “Jeremy spoke in class today.”

No, it’s not, ‘Hold me closer, Tony Danza’

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