
At least Rishi Sunak’s life is almost as miserable as everyone else’s

They’re terrible bosses, aren’t they, the voters? Rishi Sunak knows full well he was fired barely a day in to the job, but he also knows he’s going to be made to work his notice right til the very last day.

If you were him, would you even bother? A man who banks the family money in India and has to be told by officials that he really does need to return the green card is a man who’s definitely got his eye on the horizon, and if you were him, wouldn’t you just make a dash for it now?

What’s the point, after all? Rishi Sunak is a very old-school Conservative, who only really has one belief in life, which is that you tax people as little as possible, let them keep as much of their own money as possible, and the market sorts out everything else.


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