Boris Johnson news – live: Liz Truss launches Tory leadership bid with promise to cut taxes

Liz Truss has launched her bid to become Conservative Party leader and prime minister – the 10th to do so – with a promise to cut taxes.

The foreign secretary announced her decision to run in the Tory leadership to replace Boris Johnson in an article in The Telegraph.

She wrote: “I will fight the election as a Conservative and govern as a Conservative.”

The senior Cabinet minister, who is widely expected to be a front-runner in the race to become the next PM, said she would reverse a controversial national insurance hike that had been brought in by her leadership rival, former chancellor Rishi Sunak.

She promised to “start cutting taxes from day one” to help with the cost of living crisis that has seen record prices for energy, food, and fuel, amid inflation soaring to 9.1 per cent – its highest rate in 40 years.

In her newspaper article, Ms Truss argued that “it isn’t right to be putting up taxes now” and, that as prime minister, she would take “immediate action” to assist with living costs.

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