Can you pass the British Citizenship test? Questions in quiz Prince Harry struggled with

The “Life in the UK” test is a key part of the application process to become a British citizen or settle in the country.

But Meghan Markle has revealed that even her husband Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, could not answer questions asked of aspiring citizens.

Tests were introduced in 2005 for migrants seeing citizenship, and in 2007 for people applying for settlement, and are intended to prove applicants have ‘sufficient knowledge’ of British life.

Earlier this year, The Independent revealed that one migrant took the test a record 118 times at the cost of £50 each time.

Applicants are required to get 18 of the 24 questions right, a 75 per cent pass rate.

Do you think you can do it? We have pulled together a list of sample questions here:

A) St Helena

B) Wales

C) Channel Islands

D) Canada

A) The Red Cross


C) Age UK

D) The National Trust

A) The Great Union

B) The Great governments

C) The Act of Union

D) The Act for the governments

A) The Giant’s Causeway

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