Derided but defiant – Fergie the irrepressible Royal

I am 64 and just getting started,” wrote Sarah, Duchess of York, to her social media followers on New Year’s Day. Her words captioned a photograph of her swathed in emerald silk and resting on her bed – defiant and understandably so given the highs and lows of 2023.

The year when she not only was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer (her reconstructed left breast is affectionately named Derek), but also published a second bestselling novel and accompanied the Royal family on their Christmas Day Sandringham walkabout for the first time in nearly 30 years. “I have more stories to tell,” she assured her 680,000 followers.  

Such triumph over adversity seems all the more poignant now that, just three weeks into the new year, the Duchess has revealed she’s poised to battle cancer all over again: during her breast reconstruction surgery her dermatologist suggested that several moles were removed and one of them has been identified as malignant melanoma.

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