
Father ‘given 12 hours left to live’ after contracting hepatitis B in freak accident

A healthy man says he was given 12 hours to live after contracting hepatitis B through an infected nail.

David Surtees was working a typical day delivering palettes of fruit and vegetables to schools in York when he scratched his hand on a nail.

At first he didn’t think anything of it, but in the weeks that followed he found himself “exhausted” and started arriving late for work every day after accidentally sleeping in.

“I ended up leaving the job because I was too tired and couldn’t do it anymore,” Mr Surtees said.

Within four to five weeks of scratching his hand, he found himself unable to work at all and the 51-year-old became exhausted even while at home.

He spent another month or so sleeping between 15 to 16 hours a day but because he was living alone, no one was there to recognise his condition was deteriorating.

Mr Surtees said a friend saved his life when he knocked on his door one day and saw his skin had turned yellow.

“You look awful,” the friend told him and drove him to his GP.

“As soon as the receptionist saw me, she called the doctor immediately,” he said. “Then a doctor looked at me and told me to go to the hospital right away.”

When he arrived at Huddersfield Hospital he was so dehydrated that he was put on a drip, and blood tests were carried out to check his viral count.

“A hepatitis specialist then came to see me and said, ‘I have never seen anyone who is alive with this viral count.’

“He actually asked me, ‘How are you even here right now?’”

He was eventually diagnosed with hepatitis B, a liver infection that is spread through blood, semen and vaginal fluids. The infection is commonly transmitted through sharp objects which have been contaminated by blood.

Some of the most common symptoms are tiredness, high temperature and the yellowing of the whites of your eyes and skin.

In most cases, it can clear up after a few months. However, if left untreated, it can cause serious liver damage and chronic kidney disease. Mr Surtees said he was told his kidneys were shutting down and there was not enough time to get him a transplant.

“He told me I have 12 hours to live and to call my family to come be with me,” he recalled.

Mr Surtees got in touch with his daughter Mikah, who was 10 years old at the time, so he could spend what he thought were his final hours with her.

But to his and the specialist’s surprise, the Yorkshireman fought the infection, and day by day his condition started to improve. He ended up spending around four months in the hospital on medication.

Though he is grateful to be alive two years on from the initial infection, Mr Surtees said his life has been turned upside down.

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