
It’s great you’re so proud of your kids, Harry and Meghan, but nobody likes a humblebragger

Talking endlessly about your children is one of the few unadulterated pleasures of being a parent – and one of the most annoying things for everyone else to endure.

All the no-sleep, the endless cooking of pasta, the money and the time-suck – it all balances out when you get to open your mouth and go blah, blah, blah, Emily did this, Tom did that, Georgina said this other precious thing about recycling. And look, look, look at this photo of Jack in his first XI football shirt.

Harry and Meghan have been swallowed whole by child-mentionitis. Meghan in particular shows signs of having been captured by a persistent but quite out-dated perceived “halo-effect” of having children, and the myth that “being a mother” is proof of some sort of innate goodness for her and fascination for everyone else.


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