Man shot dead by police in Derby station car park after he was spotted with knife

A man armed with a knife who was spotted in the car park of a Derby police station has died in hospital after being shot by police.

Officers are trying to identify the man, and the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) has been informed.

Armed officers who shot him were responding to reports from colleagues of a knifeman in the car park.

They tried to save him afterwards but he was pronounced dead at hospital.

Witnesses had reported hearing gunshots and drone photographs appeared to show a smashed glass door at the police station, along with blood-stained clothes and medical supplies on the ground where someone was treated.

The knifeman was airlifted to hospital by air ambulance.

Nearby shops were evacuated and some businesses based inside the cordon closed temporarily.

A witness who did not want to be identified said: “It all happened in the grounds of the police station.

“The windows of the police station have been blown through by the gun shots. There is blood all over the car park.

“We hard an officer had shot someone but we don’t know for sure.”

And a worker at a nearby business said: “A few of our employees heard several loud bangs and the next thing we knew the place was swarming with police.

“There was a helicopter overhead and they evacuated the Farm Foods [opposite] and closed off all the roads.”

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