Michael Gove names groups under consideration for ‘extremism’ ban

The government have named a number of groups that will be under consideration for restrictions following the publication of the new “extremism” definition.

The white supremacist group British National Socialist Movement and Patriotic Alterntive will be considered as part of a ban on engaging with the government, as well as anti-War on Terror group CAGE , Muslim Engagement and Development (MEND) and Muslim Association with Britain, which he says “give rise to concern”.

MEND have been accused of being a front for Islamic extremism after a review of the government’s counter-extremism programme found that the group had “a well-established track record of working alongside extremists” and of “seeking to undermine the state’s considerable efforts to tackle all hate crime”.

Under the new definition unveiled on Thursday, extremism is now defined as “the promotion or advancement of an ideology based on violence, hatred or intolerance” that aims to “negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms of others” or “undermine, overturn or replace the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy and democratic rights”.

It also says the new version of extremism will “clearly articulate” how extremism is “evidenced” through the public behaviour of extremists.

If implemented, the new measures would see the names groups barred from engaging with ministers and government officials, while individuals who are part of the groups will be banned from receiving honours or public appointments.

CAGE International, Palestine Action and Black Lives Matter UK have called for the “abolition of the authoritarian and repressive infrastructure of laws built on the back of counter-terror and counter-extremism powers.”

In a joint statement, they said Mr Gove’s announcement is a “continuation of the decades-long strategy aimed at inciting and exploiting fears against Muslims to build an authoritarian and repressive infrastructure that suppresses any dissent that is not licensed by Whitehall” and said they will “explore all avenues, including legal, to challenge the Government’s deep dive into authoritarianism.”

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