Nicola Bulley – latest news: Police say ‘key witness’ has come forward

A woman described as a “key witness” by police searching for missing dog walker Nicola Bulley has come forward.

On Saturday officers said they wanted to trace a person seen pushing a pram in the area near where the dog walker went missing.

In an update on its Facebook page, Lancashire Police said the woman had come forward “very quickly” and is being treated as a witness.

On Friday police said that they believed the 45-year-old fell into the River Wyre while walking her dog nearby.

However, Ms Bulley’s sister, Louise Cunningham, has questioned the idea.

She urged the public to “keep an open mind” in a social media post on Friday evening, adding that there is “no evidence” her sister fell into the water.

In an interview with Sky News, Ms Bulley’s close friend Emma White disputed that a ball had been taken on the walk.

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