
Two soldiers killed and 12 injured as military vehicle flips in Alaska

Two soldiers were killed and 12 others injured when a military vehicle flipped on its way to a remote training area in Alaska, according to officials.

The accident took place as members of the 11th Airborne Division travelled on a dirt road to the Yukon Training Area near Salcha, around 30 miles southeast of Fairbanks, the 11th Airborne Division said in a statement.

Officials said that the driver lost control of the transport vehicle in the incident on Monday, causing it to flip over.

The Army said that there were 17 soldiers in the vehicle at the time of the accident and that firefighters extracted them from its wreckage and treated personnel at the scene.

The 12 injured soldiers were flown and taken by ground ambulances to Fairbanks Memorial Hospital. The two most seriously injured were then taken by air ambulances to Providence Alaska Medical Center in Anchorage.

“We’re a real tight-knit group in the military, so right now, the entire 11th Airborne Division is grieving and preparing to provide whatever support is necessary for the families of the deceased and to help support those who are still in the hospital and dealing with their injuries,” Army spokesperson John Pennell told the Associated Press.

The names of the two soldiers killed in the incident will not be released until 24 hours after the families have been notified.

The Army will investigate the accident.

In April, three soldiers in the state were killed when two military helicopters crashed near Fairbanks while on their way to Fort Wainwright from a training exercise.

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