
Why Gillian Anderson’s ‘vagina’ dress at the Golden Globes was problematic

Gillian Anderson has worn a dress embroidered with hundreds of “vaginas” to the Golden Globes ceremony. You’ve probably seen it by now – it is all over the internet. The beautiful dress, designed by Gabriela Hearst, took about 150 hours to embroider.

In an interview on the red carpet, an understandably thrilled Anderson shows off the dress, exclaiming that “it has vaginas on it”. Goddess bless Anderson and that dress. They’re both stunning. But can we please, for the love of a better world, get one thing settled here?

There are no vaginas on Anderson’s dress. Not one. Vulvas, yes. The dress is embroidered with hundreds of vulvas. But not vaginas. The vagina and the vulva are fundamentally different parts of the female anatomy with different functions.


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