
Why you might never have to remember your password again

It is 1961 and MIT computer scientist Fernando Corbató has a problem. The university has large computers stored with large files, and anyone can access to them.

The solution was a technology that has gone on to proliferate across computers and annoy their users for more than 60 years since: the password. Corbató’s solution was to build a system that would only open files with the right set of letters, and was used both to secure files as well as share out computing resources at a time when they were valuable and limited.

It is a year later, in 1962, and Allan Scherr, another MIT computer scientist, has a problem of his own. The work he is doing is using far too much computing resources, and he is going to have his programs deleted; he had come up with a trick to steal more computer time, but it was not enough to fully run the simulations he wanted to.


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