Long Reads

Intimidation, violence and endless debt: how loan sharks are circling the cost of living crisis

Last winter, Claire mentioned to a mother at her children’s school that she was struggling financially. “She said she knew someone who could help,” says the 32-year-old. “I was a bit suspicious, but I was also desperate.”

A single mother of two with no contribution from her former partner, Claire had been scraping by on the money she made as a childminder. Then one of the children she looked after left unexpectedly, just as gas and food bills were soaring.

“I already had credit card debt, and I couldn’t make the repayments,” she says. “One of the mums introduced me to John, who said he could lend me £500. He was friendly and I didn’t know what else to do, so I took it. I know it sounds stupid, but I didn’t even realise he was a loan shark.”


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