
Jimmy Carter’s wife Rosalynn enters hospice care months after former president

Former first lady Rosalynn Carter, the wife of former president Jimmy Carter, entered hospice care months after the 39th president of the United States entered hospice care.

The former first couple’s grandson Jason Carter released a statement on Friday

“She and President Carter are spending time with each other and their family,” he said. The Carter family continues to ask for privacy and remains grateful for the outpouring of love and support.”

In February, Mr Carter, who served as president from 1977 to 1981, announced he would enter hospice care rather than receive additional medical interventions.

Since the former first couple have left the White House, they have focused largely on humanitarian work. While Mr Carter has dedicated himself to building homes for Habitat for Humanity and stopping sicknesses such as those caused by Guinea worm, his spouse has focused heavily on mental health.

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