Royal news – live: Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson, diagnosed with malignant melanoma

Sarah Ferguson has revealed that she is battling an aggressive form of skin cancer – just months after being diagnosed with breast cancer.

The Duchess of York’s spokesperson said the diagnosis had been “distressing”, but that she otherwise remains in good spirits.

The malignant melanoma was found after her dermatologist asked that several moles were tested at the same time as the Duchess was undergoing reconstructive surgery following her mastectomy.

This comes after both King Charles and the Princess of Wales undergo treatment for their respective health scares, with Prince Harry and Meghan reaching out to lend their support.

The couple reportedly made contact as Kate spends her sixth day recovering from abdominal surgery at the London Clinic and King Charles prepares to undergo treatment for his enlarged prostate.

A source told The Mirror: “The King and the Princess of Wales have received support from Prince Harry and Meghan regarding their health. The Duke and Duchess contacted both parties in different ways to pass on their concern and best wishes.”

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