Royal Navy sends warship to track Russian submarines in North Sea

A Royal Navy warship has tracked two Russian submarines sailing in the North Sea.

British submarine hunter HMS Portland monitored cruise missile submarine Severodvinsk and Akula-class attack submarine Vepr as they travelled underwater along the Norwegian coast from the Arctic.

The Type 23 frigate shadowed the submarines as they surfaced separately in the North Sea, north west of Bergen, Norway, on 16 and 19 July, before Nato and Baltic forces took over duties as they continued to St Petersburg for Russian Navy Day celebrations on 31 July.

HMS Portland’s commanding officer, Commander Tim Leeder, said: “Our success on operations marks the culmination of many months of specialist training and exercises. Critically, the cohesiveness of Royal Navy, RAF and our allies capabilities ensures that we are capable of conducting and sustaining these types of anti-submarine operations in the North Atlantic.

“It is testament to my sailors’ dedication and professionalism, alongside that of our allies, that we are able to conduct this strategically crucial role.”

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